August 16, 2017

New Features Coming to Buie Photography: Senior Photography (High School AND College)

Guys! It has been one crazy Summer! First and foremost we would like to say thank you – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU – to all of our amazing clients. We know that everyone says this, but we really, truly do love our clients! (Like, seriously . . . we should see more of each other . . . let’s do dinner soon. We are not joking. Let’s do it!) Anyway, you have all blessed our lives so much in your own unique ways and we just hope that you have gotten half as much love and good vibes from us as you all have given us. With that in mind, this post marks the first in a series of posts focused on things we are adding to make our customers’ experience the absolute best it can be. We can’t cover it all in one post, so today, we are going to focus on an addition to our Senior photography packages.

Senior Photography, why we love it!

#1 – Um, because Seniors are awesome! We love Seniors. And yes, again, everyone says this. But our take may be a little different. We think that Senior photography sessions are all about beginnings . . . not endings. Yes, it’s true that a major part of your life is coming to a close. Maybe you are leaving everything you have ever known or maybe or your not, but trust us, in 20 years you’ll look back at your pictures and for the first time truly see all of the potential that lay within you. Ok, maybe that came off a little sappy, but that doesn’t stop it from being true.

#2 – You keep us young. As referenced above you are literally brimming with potential, so much so that it spills out and touches everything around you. As your photographers we soak up your energy and enthusiasm for life like a sponge. If we could bottle it and sell it, Bill Gates would be embarrassed by our profits.

#3 – You’re creative! More so than any other discernible demographic, you want to express your individuality. You have a unique way in which you participate in the world and it is amazing! Walt Whitman wrote about the feelings of despair that one can feel when bombarded with all of the ugliness that can be found in the world and what good purpose could one lone person could serve. His answer:

That you are here- that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse*

Seniors, you epitomize the idea of hope and individuality. It is powerful and wonderful. And it doesn’t hurt that it is a lot of fun to be around! (*Emphasis added is mine. The author would also like to thank Robin Williams and the writers of Dead Poets Society for introducing him to Whitman at an early-ish age.)

So here’s something we are gonna do for you:

We could go on about why we love seniors, but it’s time to talk cool stuff. Of course, we want to work with you and we would be honored to do so. But we also want you to have the best experience possible. And in order to accomplish that, we are adding a little something extra to all of our Senior photography packages. Completely, totally, and 100% free.

For each of our Senior clients (High School or College) we are now building individual websites to showcase all of the awesome things about you! Each page will include a selection of images from your senior photography session and a brief – but thrilling! – bio highlighting all of your cool achievements. What’s more, you can actually save the page to the home screen on your smart phone so it’s kinda like you have your own app. We think it’s pretty cool, actually. There are a lot of details that we can tweak and different ways that we can individualize them to each of our clients; linking to different sites, video, etc. And the pages can easily be shared among your friends.

If you would like to check out an example of a site we built, just follow this link. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to book a session. We are here for you! After all, we couldn’t do this wonderful thing we call life without you! Thanks, guys!

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